New website of the University

The University of Bialystok has prepared new websites. The website in English is the same as in Polish! This is a great convenience for guests from abroad! The task was prepared and performed by the Promotion Department. The multisite system allows to create new websites based on the same IT environment. This is a great help for the University's employees as well as for the recipients of the information published there.

New website of the University

Welcome to the Faculty of Mathematics Erasmus+ programme!

Coming to Bialystok to study mathematics is a great chance to develop your academic skills and boost your professional career, but also to meet new friends, learn a new language and immerse yourself in a new fascinating culture. The list of mathematics courses offered to international students is presented below. More information

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Strona internetowa powstała w ramach projektu „Nowoczesny Uniwersytet dostępny dla wszystkich”
(umowa nr POWR.03.05.00-00-A007/20) realizowanego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój.

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